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Logo by Kitsumi
Status Ongoing
First iteration May 10-12, 2013
Organizer(s) Rainfurrest Anthropomorphics International (RAIn)
Charity Animal Aid PDX
Subject Furry
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Furlandia resources
Furlandia (edit)
Furlandia 2013
Furlandia 2014
Furlandia 2015
Furlandia 2016
Furlandia 2017
Furlandia 2018
Furlandia 2019
Furlandia 2020
Furlandia 2021
Furlandia 2022
Furlandia 2023
Furlandia 2024
Furlandia 2025

Furlandia staff
Furlandia guests of honor

Furlandia is a furry convention that takes place in Portland, Oregon, USA. It was first held over May 10-12, 2013, but for subsequent years has moved to Memorial Day weekend.


The convention was founded in 2013 by a group of people from the Portland area, prompted by the local community's desire for a convention of their own going back several years. The effort to organize the first year was headed in large part by Atso Fox, Triss Winterdusk, Saph, and GEAR Con founder and Rose City Steampunk Film Festival director Stephen Couchman.

Chairmanship for 2014 fell to Triss. Lumio Draco was chair from 2015 to 2017. Demi Gargoyle chaired Furlandia from 2017 to 2018. Rex was chairman for 2019. Saph is chairman for 2020. [1]

Joining RAIn[edit]

Furlandia organizers had been in talks with Rainfurrest Anthropomorphics International board of directors for several months before the decision was made to join their organization. The process was completed in early 2014, and then president of RAIn, Gene Armstrong, was brought on as co-chair for the 2014 convention.

Furlandia and RainFurrest were both produced by RAIn in 2014 and 2015. From 2016 to 2018, Furlandia had been RAIn's sole convention level event, being joined by Rustycon and SpokAnthro for 2019.[2]

Guests of Honor[edit]


  • 2013: "Put a Tail on It"
  • 2014: "300 BCE: Furs of the Iron Age"
  • 2015: "Adventure on the High Seas"
  • 2016: "1850: Age of Industry"
  • 2017: "1929: Age of Prosperity"
  • 2018: "1957: Poodle Skirts and Duck Tails"
  • 2019: "1967: Summer of Fluff"
  • 2020: "Episode 8"
  • 2023: "Your Character Here"
  • 2020: "Space"


Attendance & Fursuiters[edit]

Convention year Attendance Percentage change Fursuiters Percentage change
Furlandia 2013 280 - 29 -
Furlandia 2014 348 24.29% 64 120.69%
Furlandia 2015 463 33.05% 112 75%
Furlandia 2016 763 64.79% 142 26.79%
Furlandia 2017 975 27.79% 200+ -
Furlandia 2018 1,133 16.20% 250
Furlandia 2019 1,205 6.35% - -
Furlandia 2020 Canceled (COVID) - - -
Furlandia 2021 Canceled (COVID) - - -
Furlandia 2022 982 -18.5% - -
Furlandia 2023 1,009[3] 10% - -
Furlandia 2024 2,060[3] 104.163% 350+ -

Additional Attendance Information[edit]

  • 2013: 280 attendees,[4] with 29 fursuiters in the fursuit parade.[5]
  • 2014: 348 attendees, with 64 fursuiters in the fursuit parade.[6]
  • 2015: 463 attendees, with 112 fursuiters in the fursuit parade.[7]
  • 2016: 763 paid attendees, and 142 fursuiters in the parade.[8]
  • 2017: 975 paid attendees, and "nearly 200" fursuiters in the parade.[9]
  • 2018: 1,133 paid attendees, and 250 fursuiters in the parade.[10]
  • 2019: 1,205 paid attendees[11]


  1. Bappy Paws! on Twitter. Retrieved July 02, 2019.
  2. RainAnthro. "@RainAnthro". 02 July 2019. RainAnthro. Retrieved on July 2, 2019.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Furlandia 2024 achieved an attendance of 2060 people! That's double the 1009 from last year!! There were 350+ fursuiters in attendance this year!" - Furlandia, Twitter (May 27, 2024)
  4. ~Furlandia (Member). "Congratulations!". 13 May 2013. FurAffinity. Retrieved on May 15, 2013. “… We had over 270 registered attendees at the convention this year …”
  5. ZealotDemon5 (channel). "Furlandia 2013 - Fursuit Parade". 14 May 2013. YouTube. Retrieved on May 26, 2015.
  6. Furlandia. "@Furlandia". 26 May 2014. Twitter. Retrieved on May 26, 2014. “… 348 attendees, a 30% increase over last year. 64 fursuiters in the parade …”
  7. Furlandia. "@Furlandia". 25 May 2015. Twitter. Retrieved on May 26, 2015. “… Total attending: 463. Total fursuiters: 112 …”
  8. Furlandia. "@Furlandia". 30 May 2016. Twitter. Retrieved on May 30, 2016. “… Total attending: 763. Total fursuiters: 142 …”
  9. Furlandia. "@Furlandia". 28 May 2017. Twitter. Retrieved on May 28, 2016. “… 975 attendees, and nearly 200 Fursuiters!”
  10. Furlandia. "@Furlandia". 30 May 2018. Twitter. Retrieved on June 20, 2018.
  11. Furlandia. "@Furlandia". 02 July 2019. Twitter. Retrieved on July 2, 2019.

External links[edit]

Oregon Flag of Oregon.svg
Campfire Tails  · Furlandia

Ongoing and proposed conventions and annual events in North America · Map