Floor Wars

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Past Floor Wars Winners

Floor Wars is a dance competition introduced into the furry community by the Last Fur One Dance Crew in 2012. Iterations of the event have occurred at Furry Weekend Atlanta, Anthrocon, Midwest Fur Fest. What The Fur, Fur The 'More, Eurofurence, Megaplex, IndyFurCon, Biggest Little Fur Con, and Further Confusion.

List of Winners[edit]

Convention Non Suit Division Champion Non Suit Division Runner Up Fursuit Division Champion Fursuit Division Runner Up
Anthrocon 2012 ReyRey Toay N/A N/A
Midwest FurFest 2012 Ikato Mangusu Sekki Camo (wearing Rick)
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2013 Kwik Phor N/A N/A
Anthrocon 2013 Flinch ReyRey Theome (wearing Pavlov) Zoomba
Midwest FurFest 2013 Ikato & Sadie Strobes & Cyan Crux JD Puppy & Gale Frostbane Ty Fusky & Leone
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2014 Monk-A Flinch Tmain (wearing Diesel) Dantee
Anthrocon 2014 The Jacks (Sadie & Atsu) Ratchet Couture (Brenda Banks & Dalmy) Caw Hyena Gale Frostbane
Midwest Furfest 2014 PupOtt Potato (Dalmy, Alflor, FuFu, & Blue) Tygamese (Zeke, Leone, Flipsta, & Phor) Snowpollo (Apollo, Sebastian, Ty Fusky, & Snowy) Shock & Awe (Tyzin, Shooter, Motomo, & Tesla)
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2015 Strobes Halfbreed Chaz (wearing marco) Leone
Kerfluffle 1 Waackin' Rei  ? Prism DarkyPup
Anthrocon 2015 Tygamese (Zeke & Leone) The Bearded Queens (Silver and Drillbit) Keep Beach City Weird (Circuit and Shayde) The Grumpy Dawgs (Ace Shep and Ombre Husky)
Midwest Furfest 2015 Tygamese (Zeke & Leone) Femme Fatality Strobes Teej
Kerfluffle 2  ?  ? iBolt (as Mex) Kotto
What the Fur 2016 N/A N/A Zets Hunter
Fur The More 2016 N/A N/A Bandaid Akari
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2016 Flinch Bemani T Mangusu
Kerfluffle 3 Snowcone Melvin Pyro Yu Puffin
Anthrocon 2016 The Dog Squad (Atsu Fawx and Sadie) Homegrown (Flinch and ReyRey) T and Terra Gale and Kotto
Megaplex 2016 Vanilla Furry Mike Prism DarkyPup
Eurofurence 2016 Faolan N/A Famis N/A
Midwest Furfest 2016 Tygamese (Leone, Zeke, Strobes) Tails X Eggman (Doryuu, Diggy, Cody) Terra Kun Teej
Vancoufur 2017 Ro3 Haurbus Drift Yu Puffin
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2017 Plasma Laz N/A N/A
Kerfluffle 4 Dox Drakes Yuki Rak3t (as Hogwash) Owen Shepard\
Anthrocon 2017 Plasmix (Plasma and Remix) LL Cool Beans (Strobes and Owen Shepard) Jay Nero
Indy Fur Con 2017 Betamonkey Treble Rahne Kooma
Kerfluffle 5 Fritz Pyro Khord Kitty Lazuli
FA:United 2017 N/A N/A Snickerdoodle Neko
Megaplex 2017 Zug Zug Oturo iBolt (as OpTic) DarkyPup
Anthro Northwest 2017 N/A N/A Siber Hamster Yu Puffin
Texas Furry Fiesta 2018 Orayo Leonidas N/A N/A
Furry Down Under 2018 N/A N/A Yu Puffin Kori Karma
Kerfluffle 6 Yuki Jamage Leon/Sparky Mash
Kerfluffle 7 MikaGlitch Four Sofia Lioness Devereaux
Biggest Little Fur Con 2019 Impulse Hey Esker!
Alamo City Furry Invasion 2019 Aquarius Crystalwave Blaze
Further Confusion 2020

Convention Floor Wars Description
Anthrocon 2012 This was the very first Floor Wars. There were 16 competitors, all out of suit.
Midwest FurFest 2012 This was the first Floor Wars to have both an in suit and out of suit division. There were 8 non suiters and 8 fursuiters.
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2013 This Floor Wars was modeled after the AC ’12 floor wars in that there were 16 competitors and no suit division.
Anthrocon 2013 This Floor Wars there was an in suit and out of suit division. There were 16 non suiters and 16 fursuiters.
Midwest FurFest 2013 This Floor Wars changed things up again by introducing a 2vs2 battle style. There were 16 fursuiters and 16 non suiters, allowing for 8 pairs of fursuiters and 8 pairs on nonsuiters. The teams were fully randomized and competitors only knew who their opponent was a week in advance.
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2014 This Floor Wars was modeled after the AC ’13 floor wars in that there were 16 competitors out of suit and 16 in suit.
Anthrocon 2014 There were 16 non suiter groups of 2, and 16 fursuiters. The non suit division got to pick their partner. The in suit division was normal 1 v 1.
Midwest FurFest 2014 This Floor Wars was also pick your own partner 2 v 2 battle for both divisions. After each round the winners got to chose one person from the other team to join their team in a capture style battle.
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2015 This time there were 32 out of suit and 16 in suit with the first round only decided on one song with no ties allowed. The rest of the rounds were normal from there on out.
Kerfluffle Online Floor Wars This is an online dance tournament not held at a con, rather utilizing video and Google Sheets to create a digital competition in the spirit of Floor Wars-style bracketed tournaments. All 6 installments involved a bracket of both fursuit and non-fursuit competitors. It is usually held over several months depending on turnout. First edition had a nonsuit bracket of 8 and a fursuit bracket of 32. Second edition had a fursuit bracket of 8 and a nonsuit bracket of 4. Third edition had a nonsuit bracket of 8 and a fursuit bracket of 64. Fourth edition had a nonsuit bracket of 8 and a fursuit bracket of 32. Fifth edition had a nonsuit bracket of 16 and a fursuit bracket of 32. Sixth edition had a nonsuit bracket of 32 and a fursuit bracket of 64. Seventh edition had a fursuit bracket of 48, the first round pitting 3 dancers against each other where only 1 advances, and a nonsuit bracket of 16.
Anthrocon 2015 Both divisions had 2 v 2 battles. There were 16 fursuiters and 16 non suiters.
Midwest Furfest 2015 Non suit division had 16 competitors in 2 v 2 battles while fursuit division had 16 competitors in 1 v 1 battles.
What the Fur 2016 Had a fursuit division with 8 competitors in 1 v 1 battles.
Fur The More 2016 Had a fursuit division with 8 competitors in 1 v 1 battles.
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2016 Both divisions had 1 v 1 battles. There were 16 fursuiters and 16 non suiters.
Anthrocon 2016 Both divisions had 2 v 2 battles. There were 16 fursuiters and 16 non suiters.
Megaplex 2016 16 fursuiters and 16 nonsuiters.
Midwest Furfest 2016 Fursuit division had 8 1v1 battles while the nonsuit division saw 8 3v3 battles.
Eurofurence 2016 Event was called "Paws on Fire" Both divisions had 1 v 1 battles. There were 8 fursuiters and 6 non suiters.
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2017 The event saw 32 1v1 nonsuit battles. There was no fursuit division in this tournament.
FA:United 2017 Was called "Schwifty Style" and had 1 v 1 battles. Only had a fursuit division.
Anthrocon 2017 16 1v1 fursuiters and 16 2v2 nonsuiters.
Indy Fur Con 2017 8 1v1 fursuiters and nonsuiters
Megaplex 2017 16 1v1 fursuiters and 16 1v1 nonsuiters.
Anthro Northwest 2017 The event was called "Pacific Rim Rumble" and had 16 1 v 1 fursuiters.
Texas Furry Fiesta 2018 16 1v1 nonsuiters.
Furry Down Under 2018 The event was called "FurSTep." The 8 applicants, 7 fursuiters and 1 nonsuiter, were combined into one division to form a 1 v 1 tournament bracket.
Biggest Little Fur Con 2019 This event was called "Biggest Little Dance Battle" with a fursuit and non-fursuit category.
Alamo City Furry Invasion 2019 This was the first floor wars for Alamo City Furry Invasion (ACFI).
Further Confusion 2020 This was the first floor wars for Further Confusion, called "Bay Battle" and organized by FlukeHusky.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Furry Dance Community
Dance Crews
Dancer Furs.jpeg
Notable Dancers
Alflor Aalto · Apollo Husky · Aquarius Crystalwave · Atsu Fawx · Brenda Banks · Camo Rovak · DEX · Dantee · Daverab · Diggy Roo · Doryuu · Faolan · Flinch · Fluke Husky  · iBolt · Imaginary Skye la Lux · JD Puppy · Khord Kitty · Kiyo Redflux · Kwik · Mangusu · Media · Mozee · Nekomon · Neo PanTyger · Nexus Folf (Gale Frostbane) · Rahne Kallon · Recca · Rei Meerkat · Ronnie · Phorone Sarosa · Sadarius Wolf · Sekki · Kiba Pasqua (Shyybunny) · SiberHamster · Silver Wolf · Skroy · Spark Wolf · AlbinoTopaz (Tayerr) · Theome · Tygs · Ino (Telephone) · Twitch Da Woof · Tylan Fusky (Ty Fusky) · Tyzin · Wolf Pup TK · Zakari · Zillion Ross