Fanboy Confessional
Fanboy Confessional is a Canadian television documentary series exploring fan subcultures, created by Toronto-based production company Markham Street Films. Subjects of the series have included cosplay, furries, LARP, steampunk, zombies and real-life superheros.
Fanboy Confessional and furry[edit]
Fanboy Confessional originally aired on Canada's Space Channel, with episode 5, Fanboy Confessional: The Furry Edition, being broadcast on July 27, 2011. It was 22 minutes in length.
Some footage was recorded at Condition 2010 in Ontario, and in 2011 the producers attended a second time, to show them the episode before it aired the following week.
The main people interviewed were Kitty (of Fun Fur All) and Pyat, and included shorter interviews with Roxikat and Frostscar. Niagara Falls fursuiter and author Thadius Effingham and his wife Beckaroo were also interviewed, talking about their experience as fursuiters. Kamber Lane also participated, but did not wish to be credited.[citation needed]
See also[edit]
External links[edit]
- Fanboy Confessional's videos on Spacecast (only available to Canadian IP addresses).
- Review on Flayrah
- Discussion of the episode on the Ontario Furs' forum
- The original call for participants from July 2008.