Drako's Den
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Drako's Den | |
Author(s) | Site Founder: Drako Swiftclaw
Website | |
Status | Active
Launch date | 2015 |
End date | Ongoing |
Genre | Multimedia archive |
Rating(s) |
Drako's Playground | |
Author(s) | Site Founder: Drako Swiftclaw
Website | |
Status | Active
Launch date | 2017 |
End date | Ongoing |
Genre | Multimedia archive |
Rating(s) |
Drako's Den and Playground is actually two separate websites run by Drako [1] [2]
Drako's Den is a fetish and kink-friendly community where users can explore and express their kinky lifestyles, and is an adults-only website.
While Drako's Playground is a safe community for members of alternative lifestyles and is safe for all ages and workplaces.
Both websites cater to the furry fandom as a consideration that furry could be considered both an alternative lifestyle and/or a kink/fetish, depending on who you ask.
Drako's Den is what was formerly The TNSC Community. [3] Drako's Den has no formal history prior to 2015 other than being the replacement for TNSC as of that date.
As of 2015 Swiftclaw closed down TNSC and re-branded it as Drako's Den. This marks the beginning of the New Drako's Den website and Community.
In late 2015, the hosting company that ran Drako's Den had lost the entire account and all files associated with the site. There was no warning, leaving Drako's Den down for a few months while Swiftclaw began to rebuild the site on a new host. At this point in time, Swiftclaw was undergoing personal changes and moved back to Seattle. Those changes included him coming out as a babyfur, and therefore refocused the Den to be a safe haven for furries of all walks of life.
Finally, in 2017, Drako opened up the all-ages website he had promised from the beginning, creating Drako's Playground.
In November of 2018, Drako's Den had to change its domain due to security concerns. [4] The host for their domain drako.funurl.com had been compromised and any domain under funurl.com was being flagged by Google as Deceptive. This led to the team deciding to utilize a new domain that was more fur-centric - if not completely ironic. They claim it was due to the security concerns and they wanted their users to rest assured that the actual website was not compromised.
In October of 2019, the domains were changed again due to the previous domains having stability issues. This time they are using just sites that shorten URLs and have decided against hiding the target URLs, which are now the ones listed on this page. [5]
Drako's Den and Playground both offer:
- Front Page Features
- Art Contests
- Chat rooms
- Forums
- Gallery that hosts images, artwork, and videos
- Library that hosts stories and poetry
- Free e-Mail service
Front Page Features[edit]
Every week, a member of the DWS Team updates the main page of both sites with Featured Submissions.
Usually featuring the following:
- Art
- Fursuits
- Photos
- Videos
The features are usually taken from the latest uploads to each site's respective galleries.
The Featured Fursuits are from images uploaded to the Photo Gallery and given the tag "fursuit".
Users are encouraged to upload and post to both sites, and the main page features is one of those things that the team does each week to help promote growth and activity to the sites.
Art Contests[edit]
Drako hosts an art contest every month on both of his sites. The contest allows anyone to nominate anything related to that month's theme. The submissions are then voted on by site visitors and a winner is announced on the 1st of each month. Users are also encouraged to submit art contest theme ideas. There is some slight controversy in the way the art contest is run since anyone can nominate anything-whether they created it or not. To combat this, The Art contest gives full rights only to the original artist and links to the original art and artist respectively. The Art Contest Submissions are also hosted in a fashion where the entries are links to the image and artist and the winning submission's image is hosted on the sites to act only as a thumbnail that links to the original work. This allows submissions to be anywhere on the Internet, granted that DWS can identify who the artist of the work is.
Both sites offer chat spaces that represent their respective purpose.
The Den chat is for adults only and may contain adult-oriented discussions and RP's. Drako also has set up a system where scenes within The Den's Chat room may be drawn into official artwork for the website.
The Playground as a PG-13 chat where users can have discussions and RP's
The chat rooms are hosted on AnthroChat IRC under the following channels:
- Drako_Den (18+)
- Drako_Playground (PG-13)
The chats are accessible on the site via IRC Links and an embedded chat client.
The Forums are set up to allow users to interact with each other while not in chat. Discussions and RP's are welcome there as well.
The Gallery is split up into the following:
- Art
- Photos
- Videos
Drako's Den and Playground also has a Library where users can share written works, and place to share videos.
The images are set up more like an imageboard of sorts. Users can post images and comments.
All content types are allowed, both general and adult on Drako's Den. However, all posts on Drako's Playground must be PG-13.
Drako's Den and Playground offer Mail.com services to its users.
Responses to Other sites[edit]
The DWS Team, have been known to send out personal blogs boasting DD's stability.
These responses have included blogs telling users of competing sites that have gone down that DD is still alive and well, and willing to take them in. Drako has done these sorts of blogs in response to all of Fur Affinity's downtimes, including the month-long one in 2008. He has even told people on his IM buddy lists about DD as a backup place for FA, since many of them were from FA, to begin with.