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Descent is a novel by Phil Geusz, published by Legion Printing in 2010. Cover art by Rukis.

It is a typical Geusz tale, in that its central theme is growth and empowerment through self-acceptance, Descent is the story of Crown Prince Gregory Lomabard. Gregory, heir to the throne of the Guild of Sorcerers and the proud owner of a 1968 Dodge Dart GTS convertible, is due to ascend to the throne at perhaps the most crucial moment in the entire history of the Guild. But someone's cursed him to become a rabbit instead, in both body and mind.

The work's title derives from a series of descents, both literal and metaphorical, that mark the protagonist's adventures as he seeks to learn the who and why of it all. Chief among these is his descent into animalhood, as bit by bit both his body and mind contort themselves into a new lapine reality.

Descent was first written in about 1999, and was one of Geusz's earliest novels. Published in 2010,[1] it marks Legion's first foray into the business.


  1. Descent by Phil Geusz now available from Legion Printing on Fur Affinity's forums, dated September 14, 2010. Retrieved June 18, 2011

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