ConFurence 7

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ConFurence (edit)
ConFurence 0 (1989)
ConFurence 1 (1990)
ConFurence 2 (1991)
ConFurence 3 (1992)
ConFurence 4 (1993)
ConFurence 5 (1994)
ConFurence 6 (1995)
ConFurence 7 (1996)
ConFurence 8 (1997)
ConFurence 9 (1998)
ConFurence 10 (1999)
ConFurence 11 (2000)
ConFurence 12 (2001)
ConFurence 2002 (13)
ConFurence 2003 (14)

ConFurence staff
ConFurence guests of honor
The cover of the ConFurence 7 conbook.

ConFurence 7 was the 1996 ConFurence furry convention. It was held from January 12-14 at the Atrium Marquis Hotel in Irvine, California, with some events overflowing into the adjacent Radisson Plaza hotel.

The theme for that year was "Furries in Force". The first Golden Sydney Award for promotion of the fandom was given to Jymn Magon. Three-day memberships cost $20 in advance.

Guests of Honor[edit]


The ConFurence Filk Contest was won by "Tears Like Rain" by Seanan McGuire.[1]



Sydney Fisher, Atrium Marquis, Radisson

Super Sponsors[edit]

Scott Alexander, Brian Antoine, Ralph Atwood, James Birdsall, Eric-Alexander Bitton, David Bliss, Gary Breuckman, David L. Broadwell, Michael T. Danager, David Ewell, Rick Farnsworth, Steve Gattuso, Amanda Geyer, John Geyer, Roz Gibson, Pete Glaskowski, Chad Glidden, Rich Griffin, William Haas, Lionman, Jonathan Hartman, Brock Hoagland, Mark Iennaco, Ron Johnson, James P. Kelly, David E. Klinkler, Robert Larson, Charlie G. Lee, Richard Lewis, Kim Liu, Bruce A. Lolley, Sean Malloy, Jeff Mancebo, Jacob Markow, Drew Maxwell, Paul P. McNutt, David Meacham, Dennis Messer, Craig Muckey, Matthew R. Muench, Ron Orr, John Pennington III, Christopher L. Pesi, Dennis R. Peterson, Deon Ramsey, Gary Renaud, Robert J. Repas Jr, Jonah E. Safar, Mark L. Serverson, Charles E. Terrell Jr, Richard F. Thatcher, Phil Thomson, Tom Traubitz, John Van Stry, Lance Videen, Bruce Wilhite


Earl P. Bacon, Stephan Bartels, Steven Bornstein, Thomas G. Brady, Anthony C. Brewer, Richard Brooks, R. Cody Buchmann, David Buttenshaw, Joshua Carpman, Jeff D. Castle, Kevin Dong, Bernard Doove, James Drew, Romano Eberwein, Don Fitch, William A. Green, William Haskell, Gerrit Heitsch, Jeffery Scott Jonas, Robert C. King, Ashley Kitto, Steven Lang, Walter A. Lyzohub Jr, Charles Nezzer, Colleen Polak, Paul Polak, Roy D. Pounds II, Jim Rauscher, Keith Steiger, Brian R. Thomas, Gary Wells, John C. Williams, Paul Williams

The souvenir program book was 56 black-and-white pages, featuring cover art by Roz Gibson. The T-shirt was designed by Eric Schwartz and printed by RaSport of Anaheim, California.


  1. ConFurence Filk Contest on Retrieved May 3, 2008.

External links[edit]