ConFurence 3

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ConFurence (edit)
ConFurence 0 (1989)
ConFurence 1 (1990)
ConFurence 2 (1991)
ConFurence 3 (1992)
ConFurence 4 (1993)
ConFurence 5 (1994)
ConFurence 6 (1995)
ConFurence 7 (1996)
ConFurence 8 (1997)
ConFurence 9 (1998)
ConFurence 10 (1999)
ConFurence 11 (2000)
ConFurence 12 (2001)
ConFurence 2002 (13)
ConFurence 2003 (14)

ConFurence staff
ConFurence guests of honor
The ConFurence 3 T-shirt

ConFurence 3 was a furry convention in the ConFurence series held in January 1992 at the Holiday Inn, Anaheim, California.

The tradition of choosing at theme (beyond simply "furry") for the conventions began here, with the first theme being "Our Furry World". Three-day membership cost $20 in advance.


This year saw the first Cabaret Fur Le Dance, featuring the performance of Omaha Sternberg, as a benefit towards the cost of medical treatment for Reed Waller.

"Master of the Seventh Blade" by Christina Hanson won the Filk Contest.[1]

Guests of Honor[edit]


  1. ConFurence Filk Contest on Retrieved May 3, 2008.

External links[edit]

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