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Chita logo.png
Author(s) Meow
Launch date 23 July 2004
End date Ongoing
Genre Blog
Censor NC17.png

Chita is an adult blog by Meow of furry art by various artists, a few non-furry images and some original content. Unlike other furry image boards, most of images in Chita are the chosen artworks.


Images in Chita are classified by genders. There is no hermaphrodite, violent, hyper, vore or watersport content in Chita.


  • Female - Solo female character or homosexual female characters.
  • Male - Solo male character or homosexual male characters.
  • Heterosexual - Always featuring at least two characters.



Chita was established as a phpBB2 internet forum for cheetahs on 23 July 2004. The forum of Chita switched to PunBB on 19 March 2006 and switched to phpBB3 on 5 June 2007.

On 11 October 2008, Chita transformed into a furry forum officially. On 19 January 2011, the forum of Chita was abandoned, and a new furry blog of Chita powered by WordPress was established. Since October 2012, a new theme and a new logo of Chita are both adopted. On 18 November 2012, the entirely new homepage with Metro design is launched.

External links[edit]

Image boards