Central Plains Fur Con

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Central Plains Fur Con

Status Hiatus
First iteration October 3-6, 2013
Subject Furry
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Central Plains Fur Con resources
Central Plains Fur Con (edit)
Central Plains Fur Con 2013
Central Plains Fur Con 2014
Central Plains Fur Con 2015
Central Plains Fur Con 2016

Central Plains Fur Con staff
Central Plains Fur Con guests of honor

The Central Plains Fur Con was a furry convention which was held in Wichita, Kansas, USA.[1]


Before the Central Plains Fur Con was organized, there was the Central Plains Fur Meet, a camping trip on Memorial Day weekend at Cheney Lake Kansas in 2010.[2] The following year, CPFM was moved to Lake Afton, Kansas. Being closer to Wichita and easier to get to, the 2011 event saw an increased attendance.

In 2012, CPFM organizers Merkindesr and Dale Fox decided to keep the event at Lake Afton, and rented a pavilion to better serve their attendees. Seeing yet another surge in attendance, Merk and Dale announced that they would henceforth be creating a hotel-based convention in downtown Wichita, and thus was the Central Plains Fur Con established.


  1. Homepage of the Central Plains Fur Con website. Retrieved January 29, 2013
  2. About Us on the Central Plains Fur Con website. Retrieved January 29, 2013

External links[edit]

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