Central Brisbane Furmeet

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Central Brisbane Furmeet, or CBFM, is a monthly furmeet for furries on the Brisbane area, Australia.


CBFM was first held on March 13, 2012 by a number of Brisbane, Gold Coast and Logan furs as a way to have an easily accessible and centralized meet for all furs within these locations.

At the end of 2012, CBFM hosted a free Christmas party for the supporting community. In 2013, with the growing support and size of the community, this holiday event was rebranded as the Central Brisbane Anthro Night, being held every year on December 7th.

CBFM's general attendance was about 30 to 80 furs, with peaks of 100+ for meets leading up to and following local furry conventions.

Usually held in the South Bank Parklands in South Brisbane, CBFM locations rotated between the Brisbane and South Bank areas every Tuesday night.

In early 2015 CBFM changed into a monthly meet, SBFM (South Bank Fur Meet) took the reigns for the weekly meets, following the same format but run by a different team of furs.


CBFM often holds such events such as dodgeball, BBQs (including a $2 sausage sizzle on the South Bank barbecues), and dinner nights.

External links[edit]

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