# & A-E[edit]
- Fans United for SatAM (website, Facebook)
- Flashchan.ru (http://flashchan.ru/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Fluff-Buddies (website, Pinterest, Twitter)
- Fox Haven (http://fox-haven.net/forum/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Fur Store (website, FurAffinity)
- Fur-Co-Live (http://furcolive.furrynet.com/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- FurArtist Ranking (http://www.furartistranking.com, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Furries of Virginia (website)
- FurRomance (http://furromance.com/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Furryiff (website)
- Furry Clothes (https://furryclothes.com, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Furry North (furrynorth.com, defunct as of Feb 2012)
- The Furry Outpost (furryoutpost.com, defunct as of Feb 2012)
- Furry Resource Page (website)
- Furry Tower (furrytower.com, defunct as of 2011)
- Furry World (website)
- Furry.Today (website & Twitter)
- FurryFashion.com (http://www.FurryFashion.com/, defunct as of Jan. 2021)
- FurryFolios.com (shop.furryfolios.com, defunct as of 2012)
- FurryLife Online (https://furrylife.online/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Furseum (http://furseum.com/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- FurSocial (https://fursocial.com/, defunct as of July 2021)
- Fursona Online (fursonaonline.net, defunct as of 2011)
- FursuitReview (website, FA)
- FURsvp.com (website)
- Fuzz ball story time (website)
- FurryGamesIndex (website, github)
- Grasslands Paradise Union (website)
- Jade's Top Anthro Webcomics (website)
- Kemono Games (website, github)
- LioDen (website)
- LogiFur (http://www.logifur.com/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- LoveFurry (http://www.lovefurry.com/, defunct as of Sep. 2020)
- Meet Furs (http://www.meetfurs.com/, found defunct Sep. 2021, banner)
- the mesh Furry forum (http://furry.endomesh.com, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Naga's Den (http://www.cyberium.net/naga/, defunct as of 2011)
- NicaFur (website, Facebook, Twitter)
- NYC Furs (http://nycfurs.org/ Found defunct Sep. 2022)
- Pawstar (website, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr)
- Rising Sun Kemono (website)
- refurence (http://www.refurence.net/, found defunct Sep. 2021)
- Retrofur (http://www.retrofur.co.uk, defunct as of Aug. 2021, Twitter)
- Rubber Asylum (or "The Asylum"?)(NSFW: http://rubberasylum.net/, defunct as of Aug. 2021, Twitter)
- Scritch (website) (site, Twitter)
- Severn Bronies (website, Deviant Art, Twitter)
- StormWeyr (website) (IRC and site host?)
- Swaggerdile (intro, shutdown)
- UKFursuit (http://ukfursuit.spruz.com/, defunct as of Jan. 2012)
- This Fursona Does Not Exist (website, Reddit thread, Vice article)
- Yiffy.cz (http://yiffy.cz/ (Furry Social Media Reborn), defunct as of Aug. 2021)