Arizona Fur Con

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Arizona Fur Con
Location - Mesa Convention Center
Status Ongoing
First iteration October 11 - 13, 2013
Organizer(s) MonkeyPaw Entertainment[citation needed]
Subject Furry
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Arizona Fur Con resources
Arizona Fur Con (edit)
Arizona Fur Con 2013
Arizona Fur Con 2014
Arizona Fur Con 2015
Arizona Fur Con 2016
Arizona Fur Con 2017
Arizona Fur Con 2018
Arizona Fur Con 2019
Arizona Fur Con 2021
Arizona Fur Con 2022
Arizona Fur Con 2023
Arizona Fur Con 2024

Arizona Fur Con staff
Arizona Fur Con guests of honor

Arizona Fur Con is an annual furry convention that is held in Mesa, Arizona, USA.[1]

Arizona Fur Con was described on its website as "a furry related convention designed to give the fans from anthropomorphic communities and costume enthusiasts alike a place of their own. For one weekend every year, to socialize, compete in masquerades, dance competitions, attend themed cafes, meet industry guests, get guest autographs, and attend several panels and workshops, game in the gamers room, shop in the dealers den".[2]


  1. Arizona Fur Con website - About webpage. Retrieved March 3, 2019.
  2. Retrieved April 1, 2013.

External links[edit]

Arizona Flag of Arizona.svg
Bad Dragon (company)  · FurrTrax (social network site&app)  · Hyena Agenda (vendor)  · Redstorm Fursuits (fursuit studio)  · Skypro Fursuits  · (fursuit studio)

Ongoing and proposed conventions and annual events in North America · Map